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Mitral Valve Surgery

Mitral valve prolapse is a heart problem in which the valve that separates the upper and lower chambers of the left side of the heart does not close properly.

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Heart Surgery in CityName

General Hospital in CityName has XX years of experience performing various techniques in mitral reconstruction. The goal is to achieve a satisfactory functional result rather than a return to a normal anatomic structure. It should be remembered that the mitral apparatus has a large margin of safety. It can adapt to moderate degrees of papillary muscle dysfunction, leaflet immobility, and subvalvular rigidity.

General Hospital in CityName has XX years of experience performing various techniques in mitral reconstruction. The goal is to achieve a satisfactory functional result rather than a return to a normal anatomic structure. It should be remembered that the mitral apparatus has a large margin of safety. It can adapt to moderate degrees of papillary muscle dysfunction, leaflet immobility, and subvalvular rigidity.